General Return Policy

General Return Policy for Unbound XR, located at:

Kerkenbos 1063F
6546 BB Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Return Conditions

You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receipt without giving any reason. After cancellation, you have another 14 days to return your product. You will then be credited the full order amount. Only the costs for return from your home to our web store are for your own account, unless the fault lies with us (for example, when you have received a wrong product). These costs are approximately €7.25 per package, consult your carrier's website for exact rates. If you use your right of withdrawal, the product with all accessories supplied and - if reasonably possible - in the original condition and packaging will be returned to the entrepreneur. To exercise this right, you can contact us via or visit our return page. We will then refund the due order amount within 14 days after registration of your return, provided the product has already been received in good order.

Exceptions to the right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal only applies to consumers. Are you a business customer? Then it may be that different return rules apply to you. Always contact our customer service first for this. Your order is considered 'business' if it meets one (or more) of the following points:

  • You placed an order through our business website (the web address (URL) ends on /business);
  • You provided a company name during the purchase process;
  • You placed an order on a business/company email address (ending on '';
  • You ordered a product that is exclusively intended for business customers (such as Google Glass 2, Microsoft HoloLens 2, Varjo XR-3 etc.).

In addition, it may happen that you have ordered a product that is custom-made for you. Think of a VR Flightcase that has been cut to fit your products. The right of withdrawal does not apply to these products. The sale is final after successful payment and delivery.

Also, any included software falls outside the right of withdrawal once its seal has been broken. If software is supplied with an item and it has been opened/activated, the price for this can be deducted when processing your return.