What are the most enjoyable VR experience games?
Virtual Reality is all about the experience. And what better way to immerse yourself than by playing VR experience games? A VR experience game is a game that's not necessarily about achieving a goal within the game itself, but rather about experiencing the game. A well-known example of this is Richie's Plank. In this VR game, you step into an elevator and are taken to the top floor of a high-rise building. Once you reach the top, the elevator doors open, and you're instructed to step out. The only catch is... there's just a thin plank beneath you, and you're nearly 80 floors high!

In TheBlu, you find yourself in the magnificent underwater world of the open ocean. The game consists of three (short) VR experiences. During the first experience, you come - almost literally - face-to-face with a gigantic whale! With its stunning graphics and simplicity, TheBlu is the ultimate game to showcase the capabilities of virtual reality. It provides excellent opportunities to demonstrate a VR headset.
Don't Let Go
Don't Let Go perfectly demonstrates what makes VR so special. It's a VR game with simple graphics, but it's the gameplay that makes this game unique. In Don't Let Go, you only need to do one thing: don't let go. The aim of the game is to hold down both CTRL keys on your keyboard throughout the game. While you're pressing these two keys, the craziest things happen in the game. It really feels like bugs are crawling over your hands!

Nature Treks VR
Nature Treks VR is a VR experience characterized by its tranquility. A player puts on the headset and can instantly explore several beautiful places in the world. Walk through the savannah in Africa, or visit the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the soothing music, Nature Treks VR is a real 'zen' experience, leaving you completely relaxed after playing.
Google Earth VR
For first-time VR users, Google Earth VR is an entire experience in itself. It perfectly demonstrates the capabilities of VR; you can travel the world in an instant and see high-quality views of places you would otherwise never be able to visit! Google Earth is one of the best (and also free) developed VR experience apps. With a relatively simple headset like the Oculus Go, you can experience virtual reality as it was originally intended. This experience is also incredibly fun to use with older people. For example, you can use Google Earth to revisit the house where someone grew up or travel to a place someone has always wanted to visit.

Richie’s Plank Experience
As previously mentioned in this list, Richie's Plank Experience is the ultimate VR experience game. It's a unique game because you can incorporate elements from the real world into the game. In Richie's Plank Experience, you step into an elevator and are sent 80 floors up. Once at the top, the elevator doors open, and you're suddenly standing in front of a thin plank above a very high abyss. The goal of the game? Stand on the plank and walk back and forth! You can make the experience even more realistic by placing a real plank on the floor and turning on a fan when someone steps out of the elevator.