What Can You Do with VR?

Many people immediately think of gaming when it comes to virtual reality. But there's so much more to do in the virtual world than just playing games! Among other things, virtual reality makes it possible to travel to different places, live in a different time, and see extraordinary things up close. And all within the convenience of the classroom.

Educational VR Applications

Virtual reality learning, as educational VR applications are called, seems to have a promising future in schools and universities. Learning through the latest virtual reality technology ensures that children and students are no longer boringly and 'old-fashioned' engrossed in books, but are stimulated anew to learn in a new way.

In this blog, we therefore gladly give you a few handy tips and suggestions to use virtual reality at your school. Do you have questions or want to know more? You can always contact us!

1. How Do You Travel to Other Places in Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality makes it possible to travel to places all over the world, without any limits. Take a virtual tour of the Taj Mahal, get a close look at the Mona Lisa, or fly over the Niagara Falls. In fact, virtual reality makes it possible to even travel outside of the world. Discover space as if you were there yourself. And all from the classroom with a VR headset on.

Recommended VR apps: Google Earth VR, Wander.

2. How Can You Develop Empathy with the Help of Virtual Reality?

Especially for children, it can be interesting to see through someone else's eyes. What's it like to grow up as a young person on the plains of Africa? Without any form of luxury or comfort. Chris Milk, a director of VR films, has given an interesting TEDxTalk on this subject, where he comes to remarkable insights. Check out here the video.

Recommended VR apps: Moovd, Youtube VR, Traveling While Black (video).

3. Can You Try Different Professions with Virtual Reality?

With virtual reality, you can look in on other professions. This can help children or students with the choice of the field they want to focus on later. In this video you can, for example, observe several surgeons during an operation.

Recommended VR apps: Youtube VR, Surgeon Simulator VR, Osso VR.


4. How Can You Go to the Ocean or Space with Virtual Reality?

Children have a natural urge to discover new things. Especially the infinity of the universe and the mysterious depths of the ocean are fascinating. With a virtual reality headset, you can explore the depths of the ocean or the universe without needing a rocket or submarine.

Recommended VR apps: Youtube VR, theBlu, International Space Station Tour VR.

5. How Do You Travel in Virtual Reality to Another Time or Continent?

Important moments in world history can be experienced through virtual reality. Think, for example, of Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech, or Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon. By experiencing this in virtual reality, the information - and experience - is much better remembered than when children read about it in a book.

Recommended VR apps: Youtube VR, Anne Frank House VR.

6. How Do You Combine Virtual Reality with Anatomy?

Anatomy gets a whole new dimension with virtual reality. Instead of learning from a book, you can literally dive into the body with virtual reality and see up close. With certain applications, you can view realistic images of the body and zoom in to the tissue, while other applications offer a fun learning experience by playing a game in the human body.

Recommended VR apps: 3D Organon VR Anatomy, Anatomyou VR.

7. How Do You Motivate Students to Work with Virtual Reality?

If students start developing VR software at a young age, it can have a positive effect on their future career field. As the saying goes: "what is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave". Therefore, encourage students to get started with virtual reality and experiment.

Recommended VR apps: Unity VR, Android SDK, Cardboard Unity SDK.

8. How Do Large Companies Use Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is not only used for playing video games. Research together with students how virtual reality is used and in which surprising ways virtual reality can be applied in the future. Maybe one of the students has a world-changing idea for virtual reality that no one has thought of yet.

9. Can Virtual Reality Also Be Applied in Daily Life?

Virtual reality can be applied in so many ways. Research, training, entertainment, marketing, and much more. Together with students, think about the applications that virtual reality can have to make everyday life easier.

10. How Do You Motivate Students to Take Action?

Perhaps the most important reason on this list: let students get acquainted with virtual reality. By involving them in the technology from an early age, they will benefit greatly in the future. Maybe a spectacular VR experience can have a huge impact on a student or child's career choice, or he or she will want to delve further into technology and electronics.

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