
Everyone who has seen Steven Spielberg's film 'Ready Player One' probably dreams of a virtual reality suit that completely immerses you in the virtual world. How amazing would it be if you could not only see virtual reality but also feel it? With bHaptics' haptic feedback suits, this becomes a reality. Slip into the haptic vest, the TactSuit, and feel the impact you have in a VR game! Gunshots, explosions, or a gentle breeze... By adjusting the intensity of feedback, you can add an extra dimension to your VR experience in a fun way.

What is a haptic suit?

A haptic suit, or haptic suit, is a wearable suit or vest that lets you feel the impact of movements in virtual reality. Because there are a lot of individual sensors in the entire suit, you can often feel a haptic feedback, in the form of a vibration, in very specific places. This feedback can be felt, for example, when you are shot in a VR game, or when an explosion occurs. This feedback enhances the player's playing experience and immersion, because you not only see virtual reality; you also feel virtual reality.

What products does bHaptics have?

bHaptics is currently one of the most progressive haptic developers. With the TactSuit they now have a vest with 40 individual sensors, a face cushion and arm sleeves with 6 sensors (each), and gloves and shoes each with 3 sensors each. The more parts of the TactSut you wear, the better the overall experience is. But the great thing about the TactSuit is that it's not necessarily necessary to wear the entire suit. For example, you can also just use the vest for haptic feedback!

TACTOT Haptic Vest

The Haptic Vest is the first and most comprehensive haptic-feedback product from bHaptics. With the placement of 40 individual sensors on the front and back of the vest, you can precisely feel where you are hit in a VR game. Not only a fun sensation, but also quite handy! In a shooter game, for example, you feel that you are being hit from behind and you can quickly turn in the direction of the enemy. The haptic vest has a universal fit, which means it is suitable for both young and old, men and women. The vest works with two Velcro straps that you fasten on the back of the user. When a player puts on the vest, the Velcro straps should be completely loose. This makes it easy to secure the vest with the zipper. Then the Velcro straps on the side of the vest can be pulled tight, so that the haptic feedback is well experienced by the player.

TACTAL Haptic Face Cushion for HMD

The face cushion from bHaptics makes it possible to feel haptic feedback on the face. The face cushion has 6 sensors that can give haptic feedback at different strengths. Fortunately, the intensity can also be adjusted here, so that not every feedback feels like a headshot. For example, it is possible to feel a cool breeze on the face by setting the feedback softly.

The Tactal face cushion is available in two sizes: standard and wide. The standard model is suitable for the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Samsung Odyssey, and Oculus Quest. The wide variant is suitable for HTC Vive Pro, HTC Vive Focus and Focus Plus, and all Pimax VR glasses. The face cushion is easy to place on the headset with the help of Velcro.

TACTOSY Haptic Accessories

To complete the set, there is also the option to add the Tactosy accessories to the vest and face cushion. The accessories consist of two pieces of arm sleeves, two pairs of gloves, and two pairs of shoes. All accessories can be linked to a computer or headset via a Bluetooth connection. For the gloves and shoes, it is necessary to add HTC Vive Trackers 2.0. These trackers ensure that hands and feet can be used in the games. For example, you can play a VR game where you are the goalkeeper of a soccer team. When you stop the ball with your hands, you feel the sensors on your hand vibrating. The extra HTC Vive Trackers are not necessary for the arm sleeves.

Check out the TACTOSY Arm Sleeves here.

How do bHaptics products work?

bHaptics sets itself apart from competing haptic solutions with its ease of use. The bHaptics devices are not paired 1-on-1 with a VR game or headset, but connect via a Bluetooth device. If the computer has Bluetooth, the bHaptics products are easy to pair, but if the computer does not have Bluetooth, you can always make a mobile Bluetooth spot with the included Bluetooth dongle. You can pair a maximum of 5 bHaptics devices on one Bluetooth dongle. This means that you can connect one complete set of bHaptics devices per computer. The advantage of a Bluetooth connection is that there is little to no interference or latency when using multiple bHaptics products in one space. The products from bHaptics are therefore extremely suitable for use in professional and business environments, such as a VR arcade.

After purchasing bHaptics, you will need to download and install the included software. This software, bHaptics Player, makes it possible to connect the devices via Bluetooth. For developers, it is possible to download an SDK or bHaptics software (bHaptics Designer). This software makes it possible to draw your own haptic feedback patterns and save them! This provides a unique experience when you add your own feedback patterns to a virtual reality movie.

What is audio to haptics?

With the haptic vest from bHaptics, it is even possible to convert audio input into haptic feedback. This so-called audio-to-haptics solution therefore offers the possibility to convert any VR game or film (with sound) into haptic feedback! This makes it possible to experience VR games without native support, such as Beat Saber, with haptic feedback.

For musicians, producers, or just music lovers, the audio-haptic feedback can be a fun addition to the experience. The extra stimulation of the feedback immerses you more in the music, significantly improving the workflow of producers and musicians. It's also very fun to put the vest on someone and let them "feel" your music for the first time. Tip: connect a noise-canceling headphone to the audio output, so the user becomes fully immersed in the music.

Which games work with bHaptics?

bHaptics offers native support for the following games: Sairento VR (Steam/Oculus), Thrill of The Fight (Steam/Oculus), Space Block Buster (Steam), Space Junkies (Oculus), Snow Fortress (Steam and Oculus), Furious Seas (Steam), VRZ: Torment (Steam), Hell Breakers (Steam) & Tsun-Tsun VR (Steam). Native support means that bHaptics devices are out-of-the-box usable with the mentioned games. With the bHaptics software (bHaptics Player), you connect the devices to your computer, and when the products are on, they automatically connect with the games.

There are also a number of games that do not offer native support, but with which bHaptics is compatible. In this case, the devices use the Audio-To-Haptics technique. This makes it possible to play popular games like Beat Saber and Pistol Whip as well. It is important that there is an audio output on the games, so that the haptic feedback knows exactly where and what intensity to give feedback.

It is also quite possible to go to work with the haptic feedback yourself. This is especially cool when you are making a VR film or experience. With the included software bHaptics Designer, you can draw a haptic feedback pattern and play this pattern at a certain moment. This way of feedback editing goes the same way as adding subtitles to a film; slide the feedback pattern under the (VR) film and you experience haptic feedback at the right moment.It's really cool to do this, for example, during a VR movie with dinosaurs! As a large dinosaur walks towards you and gets closer, you feel the vest vibrating harder and harder..

Interested in ordering bHaptics products?

Excited about the future of virtual reality and haptic feedback? Then wait no longer and order your bHaptics today! UnboundVR is the European distributor of bHaptics! We can therefore always provide you with the best service and the right advice.

Check out the complete bHaptics TactSuit here.

Need advice? We're happy to help. You can contact our customer service by sending an email to: customer We also have bHaptics products available for demonstration, so if you'd like to test out the products; you can do so with us!*

* A demonstration is by appointment only and for our business customers. Unfortunately, consumers cannot take advantage of the demonstration opportunity.

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