Practical Examples of Vuzix Glasses

Vuzix's smart glasses are seen as the gold standard when it comes to remote assist applications. Because of their small size and light weight, the glasses can be easily implemented during daily operations within a company or organization

Vuzix Blade Use Case: Police

Vuzix has collaborated with the Dutch police (and the University of Leiden and Twente) to research how the Vuzix Blade can be used in practical situations. Both mounted and foot patrol police received heads-up hands-free routing information for unfamiliar areas via the glasses, as well as additional information, including crime reports, suspect pursuits, and tricky locations

Read more: Vuzix

Vuzix M400 Use Cases: Home Health Care Wound Treatment Advice

Home health care workers use the Vuzix M4000 to stream procedures during the care of wounds at clients' homes to one or more specialized colleagues. These colleagues can remotely view, assess the wound, and provide advice on care as necessary. A significant advantage of the smart glasses over a tablet is that the worker has their hands free to perform tasks immediately. The smart glasses are also used to guide nurses in training. They perform medical procedures while their trainer watches from another location

Read more: Zaurus

Vuzix M4000 Use Cases: Construction Site Audit via a Drone

The Vuzix M4000 smart glass was recently used to successfully inspect a workplace via a DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone. The combined technology was used to access hard-to-reach areas and offer end customers a different perspective on the study area, including the inspection of cranes, elevated facilities, and various machines

Read more: SUAS News


Vuzix's glasses are particularly suitable for use during work applications where remote assist is important. The advantage of Vuzix glasses is that standard software is typically already available. This allows companies with relatively little experience in AR/remote assist to easily make use of the applications

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