Introducing Diederik

Since December 2018, Diederik Hermsen has been serving as a sales consultant at Unbound VR. He is the point of contact for both consumers and businesses, providing advice on the purchase and maintenance of VR hardware and ensuring smooth order processing. Below, Diederik introduces himself.

Diederik Hermsen

"Hello everyone! My name is Diederik Hermsen and I have been working full-time at Unbound VR since December. My duties include managing orders, problem-solving, purchasing the latest VR products, ensuring that new products reach customers, and advising on the purchase of VR products. Moreover, I will be creating content, a glimpse of which you can already see in this newsletter!"

About Me

A brief about myself; I'm 24 years old, residing in Nijmegen, and recently graduated from a HBO program in sports, health, and management. While the connection between sports and health may not immediately tie to virtual reality, I see similarities and opportunities for collaboration. For instance, the implementation of E-Sports within virtual reality and the possibilities that arise. I believe sports can be a great addition to the gaming world and can promote health in a fun way!

As you might notice, I'm athletically inclined, and you could say sports is my passion. Yet, I also have a fascination for technology, especially its rapid advancement. From the first VR headset prototype being assembled in a shed in 2011 (the first Oculus Rift), it amazes me how many new developments and techniques have emerged in just a few years. I'm very curious about the position virtual reality will be in a few years from now and I hope to experience a part of it at Unbound VR."

Exciting! Virtuix is bringing a new attraction to the VR market from January: the Omniverse VR ARENA!

A location-based entertainment system that allows four players to play simultaneously on Omni platforms, powered by Omniverse content. A revolutionary development in gaming! Imagine the opportunities the VR ARENA offers for E-Sports; four players standing simultaneously in the VR ARENA, competing for the win! How cool is that?!

VR Arena

The VR ARENA is designed to elevate E-Sports to a higher level. By organizing competitions where serious cash prizes can be won, the VR ARENA adds significant value for competitive VR arcades. Great opportunities offered by the VR ARENA for arcades:

VR E-Sports is gaining popularity and players return to the arcade to play/train. The competition enhances team spirit, encouraging players to return faster and start their own community;
The VR ARENA is fully automated, requiring minimal external operations. The players enter the VR ARENA, get ready, and can start immediately. The VR ARENA also manages the queue, keeping wait times to a minimum;
During 'waiting times', your company's logos, promos, social media, and/or other videos can be displayed. This increases the visibility of the arcade and ensures people remember their experience at your VR arcade;
The VR ARENA runs on Omniverse content, which currently has 18 different games from various genres. New games are being developed at a rapid pace, so the game selection will only expand (currently 7 games in development… more coming soon);
With the new Omni 2.0 motion technology, your experience on the Omni Virtuix gets even better. Walking and running has never felt so realistic in the virtual world!

VR is developing at a breakneck pace

This is good news for users, as the hardware and software keep improving! In the near future, there will be several interesting developments in VR headsets.

1. Oculus Quest

Perhaps the most exciting new headset coming out soon is the Oculus Quest. Alongside the Oculus Rift (which needs to be connected to a PC) and the Oculus GO (no PC required, but not too powerful), Oculus is releasing the Quest, which is powerful enough to compare to the Rift, but priced closer to the GO. The release is planned for early 2019, so the Oculus Quest will be available very soon..

2. Pimax 5K Plus, 8K, and 8K Plus

With the Pimax 2.5K and 4K, Pimax has already laid a solid foundation for VR headsets. But soon they will also release the Pimax 5K Plus, 8K, and 8K Plus! The Pimax 8K promises to be the first VR headset with a resolution of 1840x2160 per eye, significantly reducing the screen-door-effect. Additionally, the new models have an ultra-wide field of view of 200°!

3. Samsung Odyssey Plus

The enhanced version of the Samsung Odyssey has a new design, making it look a bit sleeker and more comfortable to wear on the head. Additional padding has been added, the nose area has been widened, and extra space is provided for comfortable wear over glasses. Moreover, Samsung has added an anti-SDE Amoled screen to the Odyssey Plus, greatly reducing the screen-door-effect.

Top 10 Most Played Arcade Games

There is a difference between the type of game you play at home - alone - and the type of game you play in a VR arcade. When you are using a VR headset at home, it can be fun to play a horror game or a game with a good story. But at a VR arcade, you want to play an arcade-type game, because you want a cool and energetic experience in a short time. Our VR colleagues from Los Angeles - SpringboardVR - have compiled a list of games that were most frequently played in over 185 VR arcades worldwide in November 2018 - based on the total number of minutes played. There might be something fun to play in the VR arcade… or of course to enjoy gaming at home!

Arizona Sunshine

12.9% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 30 minutes
Developer: Vertigo Games and Jaywalkers Interactive

Job Simulator

8.1% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 16 minutes
Developer: Owlchemy Labs

Smashbox Arena

6.1% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 22 minutes
Developer: BigBox VR, Inc

Space Pirate Trainer

5.5% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 11 minutes
Developer: I-Illusions

Rec Room

3.5% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 18 minutes
Developer: Against Gravity


3.1% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 15 minutes
Developer: Blueteak

Superhot VR

3.0% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 15 minutes
Developer: Superhot VR Team

The Lab

2.7% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 14 minutes
Developer: Valve

Raw Data

2.2% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 18 minutes
Developer: Survios


2.2% of the total minutes played
Average playtime per session: 11 minutes
Developer: Dylan Fitterer

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